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Scarce Pair of Letters from Lynette Fromme and Sandra Good

FROMME, Lynette “Squeaky Red.”  (1948-   )  Member of the Manson family during the late 60’s and early 70’s. She attempted to assassinate President Gerald R. Ford (1975) becoming the first woman in U.S. history to directly try to kill one of our presidents.  She aimed a 45 caliber pistol at Ford on the grounds of the California State Capitol.  A secret service agent grabbed the pistol before it could be fired.  Fromme became a bizarre symbol of counter-culture terrorism at her 1975 arraignment and trial.  Clad in bright red she was repeatedly ejected from the court room.  She appeared with her head shaved. During her sentencing, she hit the prosecutor with an apple.  She received a life sentence but was paroled in 2009 after 34 years.
GOOD, Sandra  (1944-  )  Long time member of the Manson family. She was a close friend of Lynette Fromme. Her Manson family nickname was “Blue” given to her by Charles Manson.  During Manson’s trial she shaved her head and carved an “X’ on her forehead. She was found  guilty on 3/16/76 for conspiracy for sending threatening letters and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Lengthy four page handwritten letter by Lynette Fromme dated 7/27(1982).. “To Angelo” Fascinating content in part: “...we’ve been watching the middle East wars..people bitch when it’s hot & bitch when it’s cold & bitch when there is nothing going on at all. You should hear how it is around her... If the discontent comes from knowing something (s) aren’t right it leads to action to rectify. If it comes from something not right inside the people-it can cause a lot of hurt to children, animals & other innocent things... It’s surprising how free local people even will acknowledge the smoke and fog, they call it haze or mist... it stirs anger in me because we grew up watching Los Angeles become more and more polluted....I love these mountains I love the country really... the parole board has been here and a lot of women received good news (what are known as dates in here are set dates when they can leave providing there are no infractions of rules serious enough to cause the administration or case working staff to ask the parole board to revoke the date. The top man of the whole Bureau of Prisons & his assistants will be here tomorrow and the whole prison has been inspected by the warden‘s staff all month...the time of past realities goes on around us...And TV realities. They are not peaceful realities. The women are always proclaiming & asserting something about their identities. The men & women equally. Proving things to themselves.  How grand we humans are. How benevolent. How courageous. How human. Awards and commendations to boost us to higher places.  While the earth at our feet has given us support to be anything at all & the father universe infinite possibility. Visits are not open but sometimes maybe they could be arranged. The rules like ropes on the ships in the harbor get tighter & loser w/ the tides of administrations & years.  Excuse me for being mistrustful. It comes with experience.  I’d like to ask you some personal questions with regard to your relationship with women but I think I’ll not do that now.  Do you read Playboy magazine or Oui or others. I’m not saying you should, just wondering.   I’ll pass on your regards to Sue & have already to Blue (the Vaudeville Team) & Blue returns them & considers it nice of you to have gotten me your gift when so many others only want from us... Lynette Red.”
The letter from Sandra Good is equally a lengthy four pages in length.
November 4, 1982 also “To Angelo”“
Lynne got your last 2 letters & asked me to write to you because she is sick.  She sprained her ankle... started running a fever then she caught cold... we liked the Liberace joke (she draws a smile face) it seems everyone one is suing everyone for one thing or another,  I saw an ex chauffeur for the JFK family being interviewed on TV on his new book about the Kennedys. He seemed reluctant to say bad things about the family & when the interviewer tried to put words in the chauffeurs mouth, he got defensive. I got the impression that some scandal monger book writer originally sought out this man & offered him some big sum to tell the inside scoup on day to day dealings with the Kennedys.  The chauffeur  probably had minor bad incidences to relate & the book writer blew them all out of proportion as well as distorting lots of stuff.  Liberace says he’s not a homo but I remember as a little girl when I didn’t even know what a homo was exactly, Liberace was the classic example of a ‘fairy’. Kids used to imitate him all the time... a lot of people think Ronald Reagans son, Ron, the one in the ballet company is a homo, & that the women  he is often photographed with is just a front-payed to be with Ron so that he’ll appear to be heterosexual.  I didn’t get to see the Marilyn Monroe article-would you send it to me....Sue has seemed so busy since she’s been out that she barely answers our letters....besides Lyn, she was my closest friend in here and I hers & I feel she’s drifting....many are spoiled & don’t have empathy for those who have had to give up material things or the end, they are the ones who suffer most because with a ‘me’ philosophy they can never be satisfied....Lyn was kind of disappointed that you don’t want things coming to your house. She couldn’t see why not...The way to send money is to send a Postal Money Order. Checks take 30 days to just make it out to Lynette you don’t have to put FCI Alderson on it...Lyn takes a real sincere interest in you-your feelings, etc. She is not fake or phony or callous which is more than I can say of 99.99% of all women I have ever met. She’s the last person who should be locked up...Sincerely- ‘Blue’ Sandy.”  Both letters in fine condition. Together with a color photo of Lynette Fromme and Sandy Good.  The three..............


Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
Serving Collectors, Libraries, Institutions, Autograph Galleries and Dealers with
Autographs and Signed Books in all Fields of Collecting Since 1967.

7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~