Scarce War Dated Letter With Excellent Personal Content
DOOLITLE, Jimmy (1896-1993). American aviator and Army Officer. Stunt pilot (1918). He set the world’s speed record in 1932. Best noted for leading the secret bombing raid on Tokyo in April 1942. Typed letter signed, one page, on the imprinted stationery of “Headquarters Eighth Air Force, Office of the Commanding General”,. Dated 2 June 1944 to his good friend Mrs. Ralph Rex. He writes in part: Dear Peggy, Tanks for your newsy letter of April 15th (mailed May 5th--want causes that?). Guess you know young Jim’s near here and that we get together occasionally. Got a note from his little wife the other day advising that I’m about to become a grandfather. Am pleased with the project and look forward to taking an active--and negative---hand in the upbringing of Junior or Juniorus as the case may be. Hear indirectly that John is back in Washington. Haven’t heard from him since I told him what I thought about his getting set back a year at West point. His trouble was, I understand, lack of discipline. Oh well; Joe was always a little hard to handle. Guess John came by his obstinacy naturally. Beg pardon?....” Signed “Jim”...............SOLD
