First African-American Player to be Picked First Overall in the NFL Draft
First African-American to Win The Heisman Trophy
DAVIS, Ernie (1939-1963). American football halfback and first African-American to win the Heisman Trophy. Basketball great who led Elmira Free Academy team to win 52 consecutive victories. He led Syracuse University to the National Championship as a sophomore. Davis was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1979.
His college working manuscript that he was preparing to submit to his class, nine typed written pages on the history of Bristol, Vermont. Over twenty lines underlined in pencil by Davis and 3 words and a few notations written in pencil by his hand in the margins. Boldly hand signed “Ernie Davis” in pencil at the top of page one. This manuscript comes from the original collection of Todd Mueller who purchased the papers of Ernie Davis directly from the Davis estate. Occasionally simple signatures from this same estate are selling for as much as $2,500. This nine page signed manuscript is in fine condition............... $1,450.00
