Replaced Buffalo Bill as Chief of Scouts
CRAWFORD, CAPT J.W. (1847-1917). Chief of Scouts, U.S. Army. Frontiersman, Indian Scout. Born in Scotland, he made political speeches advocating a free form of Government and was banished with a price being put on his head. He fled Scotland and during the U.S.Civil War he enlisted in the 48th Pennsylvania Volunteers and was wounded twice. He is one of the earliest explorers in the Black Hills. Chief of the Pioneer Scouts and one of the founders of Deadwood, Custer City, Crook, Gayville and Spearfish. In the Indian campaign of 1876 he was second in command of General Crook’s Scouts and he superseded Buffalo Bill as Chief of scouts on August 24, 1876. He was Chief of Scouts during the Sitting Bull expedition. He was also a poet and author, nicknamed “The Poet Scout.” Typed poem on a 5”x7” sheet. Twenty-four line poem about where his book might be a hundred years from now. Signed with his desirable full double signature and dated “Christmas 1914.” In fine condition and most unusual..................$350.00