Remarkable Collection Of The Top 27 Cosmonauts
Who Spent The Most Time In Space
COSMONAUTS Of all the world’s space travelers up to and including just a few years ago, the top 29 pioneers who spent the most time in space are the Russian Cosmonauts. Number 30 is an American who spent only 84.05 days in space. Musa Manarov in the course of two space flights spent a total of 541.02 days in space. Number 2 was J.V. Romanenko who spent a total of 430.76 days in space. This collection consists of the signatures mostly on cards of 27 of the top 29 Cosmonauts who spent the most time in space. The following Cosmonauts have signed and are listed in order of time in space. M. Manarov, J.V. Romanenko, L. Kizim, V. Titov, V.A. Solovjov, V, Rjumin, V. Ljachov, A. Alexandrov, V.P. Savinych, V.V. Poljakov, O.J. Atkov, V.V. Lebedev, V.V. Koyaljonok, A.A. Volkov, A.N. Berezovoj, L. Popov, A.J. Solovjov, A.N. Balandin, A. Serebrov, V.M. Afanasjev, A.S. Viktorenko, A.J. Lavejkin, G.M. Strekalov, S.K. Krikaljov, A.S. Ivancenkov, V.A. Dzanibekov, A. Arcebarskij. A most difficult collection to complete. Many genuine Cosmonaut autographs were difficult to acquire and this collection is a most unusual offering............. $895.00
