Succeeded Mussolini as Premier
BADOGLIO. (Pietro). (1871-1956). Italian soldier, officer in WW1, promoted to General (1919), succeeded Diaz as Chief of General Staff (1919-1921), signed armistice for Italy. Ambassador to Brazil (1924), Chief of General Staff (1925-28), Marshall (1926), Governor General of Libya (1928-33), commanded Italian forces in the Ethiopian campaign, (19935-36), succeeded Mussolini as Premier (1943-44) after Benito Mussolini was overthrown in July 1943. Badoglio surrendered Italy to the Allies in September 1943 during WW2. He served as Premier only until after the capture of Rome in June 1944. A scarce signature, in ink, well centered on a heavy 3”x4.25” card. Original envelope with a 1.25 Lire stamp with a portrait of Vittario Emanuele III cancelled in Rome. Not a common signature...........$175.00
