Scarce pair of Typed Letters by Armstrong and Aldrin
ARMSTRONG, Neil (1930-2012). American astronaut, first person to walk on the moon, July 20, 1969. Scarce typed letter signed nearing his full signature. Cardwell International, Office of the Chairman. April 26, 1982. Armstrong writes to the Director of Marketing of IHME in London. He refers to an invitation and writes in part: “After reviewing the information provided and checking my schedule for that period, I have concluded that I will decline. I appreciate your bringing this opportunity to my attention.” Letters by Armstrong signed in full are not common.
ALDRIN, Buzz (1930- ). American astronaut, first of two persons to land on the moon and the second person to walk on the moon. Very scarce typed letter signed, Research and Engineering Consultants, Inc. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., President. Aldrin writes in part: “ regards to your request for a copy of Orbital Rendezvous, I am afraid I cannot be of much help to you. I have only one copy and it is my understanding that M.I.T. doesn’t send copies as it is quite expensive to copy and not very understandable at that. I wish I cold help further but all I can suggest is writing to M.I.T...” Boldly signed “Buzz Aldrin.” Both letters in very fine condition .................... $2,495.00
