Signed By Two Moonwalkers- Apollo 15
SCOTT, Dave (1932- ), IRWIN, Jim (1930-1991), Worden, Al (1932- ). Crew of Apollo 15. Scott was Commander, Irwin was lunar module pilot, Worden commanded module pilot. Scott and Irwin both walked on the moon. Apollo 15 was the first use of the Land Rover and during this trip Worden performed the first spacewalk in deep space. Apollo 15 was the fourth moon landing. The crew had carried unauthorized postal covers to the lunar surface. They were reprimanded and did not fly in space again. Choice cover commemoration the homecoming of Al Worden. Land Rover 8 cent stamp cancelled Oct. 25, 1971. Cachet of Worden, the moon, the capsule and Apollo 15 patch. Hand signed by all three astronauts................$150.00
