Excellent Content Letter: The Ty Cobb-Napoleon Lajoie Batting Title of 1910
MacPHAIL, Lee (1917-2012). First modern major league executive inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame (1998). In 1973 he was elected president of the American League, a post he held for 10 years until he resigned. Typed letter signed on his name imprinted letterhead as American League President. Dated March 28, 2005 to John Dalton. MacPhail writes: “If we had a project that examined all the records, and the Ty Cobb-Napoleon Lajoie batting crown error of 1910 was one of the results, then I’d approve the change. But just to zero in on one isolated record after all these years seems unfair. President ban Johnson certified Ty Cobb as the champion and I am sure he had good reasons for it. Unless we examine all the records completely, we shouldn’t change only tis one... ” Signed “L.J. MacPhail” as retired American League President. In fine condition............$150.00