Phenomenal Content Thomas Edison Handwritten
EDISON, Thomas A. (1847-1931).
Celebrated American inventor; known as "the Wizard of Menlo
Park." He was granted 1,093 patents; invented the automatic
telegraph repeater, printing telegraph, electric pen, mimeograph,
the microphone, the phonograph, the incandescent lamp and the
alkaline storage battery. He produced motion pictures (1913).
He is probably the greatest inventor of all time.
- Autograph Letter Signed, "Edison"
(1921) in pencil, one page to his assistant. Edison writes: "Buchanan,
See Noy Borden (?), Jan. 5 Inspector relating to Barrell dischg
(discharging) waste gases, Can't you stop this, he says 'Bad
Fire Hazzard' this scares me - get busy on it, Edison."
Buchanan wrote below: "To be done Jan. 9th, finished
A remarkable content letter. This indicates Edison's fear of
a fire in his laboratory. He claims he's so scared he wants his
assistant to 'get busy on it." Edison's fear of fire may
be because on the evening of December 9, 1914, Edison's famous
laboratory, located in West Orange, New Jersey, was the scene
of a spectacular fire which completely burned down all thirteen
buildings. Legend has it that the fire was so extraordinary that
upon seeing and understanding the scope of the disaster, Edison
sent word to friends and family to "Get down here
may never have another chance to see anything like this again!"
Within hours after the fire had been extinguished, Edison began
a complete rehabilitation of the plant. Early the next morning
hundreds of workers began working around the clock, clearing
the debris to get the plant back to working order until a larger
and more efficient facility had been completed. With the help
of Henry Ford, a new laboratory was built in Menlo Park, New
Jersey but the 1914 West orange laboratory fire will always be
one of the key defining events in the great inventor's career.
- Most unusual content letter of the powerful
Edison stating "this scares me." Boldly written
and signed and in fine condition.......................................SOLD